What do Lemooree Hair Building Fibers do, exactly?

Lemooree Hair Building Fibers provide natural and instant coverage for bald spots, gray roots and thinning areas like a wide part, sparse temples, thinning crown or hairline areas. Those small hair-like fibers naturally blend with hair strands and roots, making existing hair strands undetectably become thicker to fill up the thinning hair areas and reduce the visibility of scalp, providing thicker and fuller looking hair. No one will know we are using Lemooree even from close look.

How do I apply Lemooree hair fibers?

Dry and style hair as usual, make sure your hair is completely dry and clean. 2. Shake Hair Fibers into any thinning areas. 3. Gently pat or comb the applied area to disperse Hair Fibers for a more natural look. 4. Hair spray is recommended after applying the hair building fibers for longer and better coverage. The whole above process take less than 5 minutes for a natural covering result.

I am completely bald. Can i use Lemooree Hair Building Fibers?

Lemooree Hair Building Fibers adhere to your hair roots and help to thicken your existing hair. So we don’t recommend using Lemooree Hair Building Fibers If you are totally bald.

Do Lemooree Hair Building Fibers affect hair growth?

No. Lemooree Hair Building Fibers naturally blend with hair strands and roots, making existing hair strands undetectably become thicker to fill up the thinning hair areas, so it will not affect hair growth.

Can Lemooree Hair Building Fibers cover gray roots or color-treated root re-growth?

Yes, Lemooree works perfectly to conceal both gray roots and color-treated root re-growth!

Is Lemooree Hair Building Fibers safe to use every day? Will it make my scalp itchy?

Lemooree is an natural product. It’s safe and can be used every day. Lemooree hair building fiber is made of cotton (Gossypium herbaceum), it contains no artificial fillers, preservatives, and no animal ingredients, it’s hypoallergenic and suitable for even the most sensitive scalps, so it will not cause scalp itchy.

Is Lemooree Hair Building Fibers a hair dye? Will it color my hair?

No. Lemooree is not a hair dye and it will not color your hair or scalp, it adhere to your natural hair only to make your existing hair look thicker.

What are the ingredients?

Lemooree hair fibers are made by Gossypium Herbaceum(Levant cotton) and natural minerals(used as colorants to match your hair color). It’s natural and safe for your hair and scalp.

Will Lemooree Hair Building Fibers work with all hair types?

Yes, Lemooree Hair Building Fibers work with all hair types and textures, including short, long, curly, kinky, wavy, braided, frizzy, straight, colored hair etc.

How long will Lemooree Hair Building Fibers stay in place?

Lemooree Hair Building Fibers will stay in place until you shampoo your hair.

Does Lemooree hair fiber stain?

No, Lemooree will not stain your clothes or pillow and it can be easily dusted off.

Do i need special shampoo to remove Lemooree Hair Building Fibers?

No, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo as usual. It will be washed out easily.

What colors does Lemooree offering?

Lemooree hair building fibers are available with 10 colors including Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Blonde, Medium Blonde, Light Blonde, Auburn, Grey and White.

How do I choose the best right color to match my hair?

The best result is to choose the same color as your hair root color. If you are in between shades go with the darker one. You can also apply two colors that are closest to your hair color and make a custom shade to match your hair.

Will Lemooree hair building fibers fall out easily?

No, Lemooree hair fiber is resistant to perspiration, light rain and wind. It clings to your hair roots and stay firmly in place better than other brand fibers on the market.

Do I need to use the holding spray? Can I use my own spray?

Spray is optional. You don’t have to use hairspray. If you want longer and better coverage, we recommend using your favorite daily hairspray after applying the hair building fibers.

Can I use hair styling products and Lemooree hair fibers at the same time?

Yes, apply the styling products like gels, mousses, pastes, serums first. Let styling products and your scalp dry completely before applying Hair Fibers.

How long does a bottle of Lemooree hair building fibers last?

It really vary according to how big the area is that you are covering and if you are using the fibers everyday however, on average the 28g bottle is approximately for 50-80 days supply.

Will the packaging and delivery be discreet?

Yes, your order will be shipped in the unmarked mailing boxes or envelopes, so no one will know what’s inside.

If I am not happy with my purchase, can I get my money back?

Yes, you can contact us to make a return for full refund.

Got questions? email us: service@lemooree.com